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Reading:               623 pages

Hours in meetings: 7 hours

A short week following Kings Birthday on Monday.

Tuesday was busy with a Public Excluded Strategy and Policy Committee meeting In the morning where the main topic of discussion was around the Fresh Water policy programme.

In the afternoon the Tauranga Public Transport Joint Committee met for the final time with the commissioners from Tauranga City Council.

The On-demand bus pilot is going well. This was launched on March 25th this year and since then over 2000 app accounts have been opened. Of these, 20% have taken at least one trip, 16% at least two trips and 8% have taken more than 5 trips in that time.

There have been over 4600 rides with an average 3.5 rides per driver per hour.

The service that was dropped to allow for the on-demand service averaged just 200 rides a week.

The other major meeting of the week was Risk and Assurance.

We heard from Audit NZ who issued an unmodified audit opinion i.e. a positive opinion. We considered the Chair’s report before going into closed session.