It’s been a slow start to the year.
A group of Councillors visited Pukekauri Farm near Aongatete to see how riparian planting, replanting of wetlands and change of use on the farm had made an incredible difference to water quality in the waterways of the catchment.
The day lasted a bit longer because roadworks made the 30-minute trip home into an hour long ordeal.
Waitangi Day was spent at the Waitangi Day Festival which was partly sponsored by the Regional Council. I helped out getting marquees and signage on and off the site as well as doing a few bits and pieces on the day. Congratulations to the He Iwi Kotahi Tauranga Moana Charitable Trust for a hugely successful event which provided entertainment for around 4000 people on the day.
There is an informal meeting of elected members every week to keep up to date with what is happening around the region and any emerging issues which at the moment reflect the new priorities of the new government.
The big meeting of the week was the Regional Transport Committee which met on Friday morning. The key agenda item there was the Regional Land Transport Plan which was signed off ready to go out to the community for consultation. This document prioritises the major transport projects planned for the next ten years which have a cost of at least $2 million. Be sure to have your say on this.
In addition to the meetings, we have a bit of reading to do. A reasonably light week of just over 100 pages of agenda items.
Emails about Council Business included weekly updates about Public Transport and Emergency Management in the Regional and Nationally, Agenda items for a meeting of central North island Councils, an update about the potential for Gold Clam infestation, and a couple of invitations to events such as a workshop on Cameron Road.
There were a few newsletters from organisations such as Priority One and TECT which keep us aware of happenings in the community.
We also received a letter from a lobby group telling us we should keep spending ratepayers money on plans under regulations which the incoming government had notified they will repeal.